About me

My spiritual name is Ekantavada. I live together with my wife, and our cats Arthur and Merlin in the coastal area of the North of the Netherlands.

I’ve had a lot of spiritual realizations the last couple of years. Now it’s time for something new. I feel the old stories don’t serve me anymore. This means spiraling new fractal beginnings, honoring sacred geometry, reading about sacred knowledge and The Egyptian Mystery School!

Books: Compendium Of The Emerald Tablets by Billy Carson, Sacred Geometry and Magical Symbols by Iva Kenaz, Heart Centered Living: Messages Inspired by Christ Consciousness by Pamela Kribbe, The Emerald Tablets by Michael Doreal

I’ve read al those books, while reading them, the energy can rise so much I had trouble looking out of my eyes to the pages of the book. There is so much transcendence in that information, it’s fantastic! Be sure to take time for yourself, to take that info in, it’s really important for us!

I whish you all good luck on the path